伊丽莎白·德比齐 | 2024年第30届美国演员工会奖剧情类剧集最佳女演员奖致辞

知识 情迷英音 第818期 2024-03-08 创建 播放:851

介绍: I don’t have any shoes on. Truly, I was not expecting this. People say that, and I really am not. So...I don’t really know what to say, so I’m just going to wing it.

Thank you...

介绍: I don’t have any shoes on. Truly, I was not expecting this. People say that, and I really am not. So...I don’t really know what to say, so I’m just going to wing it.

Thank you. Thank you, SAG-AFTRA. The women in my category, I watch with total awe, and I learn how to do my craft watching you. So being nominated next to you is incredible.

I really really love my job. About a week ago, I had the flu. And I was... This is what happens when I improv. I was lying in bed and I was...I had the memory of... I was thinking about childhood, and I was thinking about a happy memory.

And I remembered that the first time that I was ever cast in a play. And it was in my year... I was year five. I must have been ten. I think someone’s parent wrote it. I think it was about kids getting along. Like, I don’t think it was an actual play.

Somebody gave that part on the last day of school and it was a 15 minute walk home. And I think I just... I levitated home. I was so happy. And I feel like that every time someone gives a job.

So, thank you for this. It means so much to me and to my beautiful Crown family and so many of you are here tonight, it is a joy to work with you. This job is such a gift. It’s my mom’s birthday. Happy birthday, Mom. Thank you so much.

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