大卫·爱登堡爵士 | 朗读绘本故事《爱登堡寻找大猩猩历险记》

知识 情迷英音 第848期 2024-04-28 创建 播放:725

介绍: Attenborough’s adventures, David and the Gorilla Quest.

Many years ago, a team and I ventured to the mountains of Africa to film some very special gorillas. It was time to dust off my old safari suit once again...

介绍: Attenborough’s adventures, David and the Gorilla Quest.

Many years ago, a team and I ventured to the mountains of Africa to film some very special gorillas. It was time to dust off my old safari suit once again...

Before I could head off I had to fill my backpack with adventure gear! Can you help me gather everything I might need for exploring the jungle? Drag objects to pack the bag with everything you need for an adventure. Great work. We're ready for our mission.

After a long flight, a bumpy drive and a steep trek, we found ourselves deep in the jungle. In places the bushes were so thick we couldn't see far ahead.

Hmm...which way? Can you move the leaves so that we can see? Ahh, that's much better, let's get back on track!

Suddenly we heard a grunting sound ahead. Could it be... a gorilla? Here's an idea, why don't you grunt like a gorilla to call the animal out of hiding? Ah ha! Excellent, here it comes.

Well hello there! It's a monkey. A primate, but not the one we are searching for. The gorillas we're looking for are very shy and very rare indeed.

We continued to trek through the jungle. It would be easy to get lost here...Use the compass to point North and so help us find the way. Well done, we'll find them in no time.

Gorillas are so big, they break bushes when they walk and sit down. We use these clues to track the gentle giants through the jungle. Tap the broken bushes to help us find the way. Top field skills, the gorillas were definitely here!

We kept following the clues until we came to a thick wall of bushes. It sounded like there was something there... Quick, use this stick to help us get through the jungle. Marvelous! You found the gorillas!

We were all incredibly excited, but we didn't want to disturb them so we kept our distance and were really quiet. Suddenly, something extraordinary happened.

A baby gorilla came forward and sat right on my lap! His mother was very interested in me, and particularly enjoyed looking at my hair and my teeth. Oh! She wanted to look inside my mouth and the baby tried to untie my shoes.

We had traveled a long way to capture this special moment and so the crew began to film. Can you help me take some pictures too? Tap the button to take a picture. What a day. It's time to head home.

We had some wonderful footage and photos from my scrapbook, and a memory I would never forget. Can you help me put the pictures into my scrapbook? What a precious memory of a very special family.

What did David need to pack for his adventure? Jelly? A map? A rubber duck? That's right.

What other animals did David and the crew meet on the way to the gorillas? A monkey? An elephant? A giraffe? That's right.

How would you track a gorilla?

The end.

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