艾米莉·布朗特 | 2024年第51届土星奖最佳女配角致辞

知识 情迷英音 第823期 2024-03-18 创建 播放:836

介绍: Guys, thank you! Thank you so much! What an awesome looking thing. I'm so grateful that Chris pulled me into the fold of this riveting experience. Working with him, I just saw something extraordinary and rare every day and it was amazing.

介绍: Guys, thank you! Thank you so much! What an awesome looking thing. I'm so grateful that Chris pulled me into the fold of this riveting experience. Working with him, I just saw something extraordinary and rare every day and it was amazing.

I'm going to share this with my on set husband Killian Murphy, who is just the greatest seen partner in the world. I loved playing her, I loved playing Kitty Oppenheimer. She was mean as a snake, but sort of ruthlessly truth-telling.

And we need those women, you know, who don't want to fit into a convenient mold. We need them and God love them. Thank you so much, I appreciate this immensely. Thank you!

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