威廉王子 | 2023年图斯克动物保护颁奖典礼致辞

知识 情迷英音 第787期 2023-12-21 创建 播放:1954

介绍: It's my great pleasure to be here with you all tonight as we recognize and celebrate the work of three remarkable individuals each who are working tirelessly for a better and brighter future. Their extraordinary commitment, courage and sacrifice inspires us all.

介绍: It's my great pleasure to be here with you all tonight as we recognize and celebrate the work of three remarkable individuals each who are working tirelessly for a better and brighter future. Their extraordinary commitment, courage and sacrifice inspires us all.

To see their captivating stories brought to life in film is deeply moving and I'd like to thank our talented filmmakers for producing them this event gives us a moment to reflect on the significant achievements of our award winners and to recognize the challenges they face each and every day.

It is also a reminder that Africa - its people and its biodiversity are disproportionately affected by the impacts of a warming planet, impacts which are for the most part not driven by those most affected. Those living in Africa emit just a quarter of the emissions than that of the average global citizen.

Yet the African continent is set to incur disproportionate loss and damage from climate change, but we do have the power to change this and the stories we've heard tonight provide both optimism and hope.

By investing in nature-based solutions we can help mitigate the worst effects of our warming planet and put it back on a healthier path.

Last year research spearhead by Tusk showed that large iconic animals, such as the African elephant and Rhino play a vital role in helping their ecosystems recover from the impacts of climate change.

Animals could increase carbon stocks in plants and soil by grazing, dispersing seeds and fertilizing vegetation which all help to maintain overall ecosystem diversity.

Supporting those who dedicate their lives to protecting these animals provides an opportunity to safeguard those habitats so critical to our existence and increasing the protection of these habitats will set us on the path to reaching the global target of safeguarding 30% of all land oceans and inland waters by 2030.

Wildlife rangers shoulder the immense responsibility of studing these vast areas of land and water, areas that are vital for the the future of life on Earth. Rangers are ecosystem guardians, working on behalf of the global community, but we must not forget that conservation is tough and frequently dangerous.

The Rangers role of honor serves as a tragic reminder of the ultimate price paid by too many men and women working on the front line. These men and women are so often unrecognized and their enormous impact is too often unreported.

So I'm proud to see how Tusk along with the Game Rangers Association of Africa have grown the wildlife range a challenge into a movement for change, investing more than 16 million pounds so far.

From honoring rangers to celebrating researchers and championing community leaders, it is evenings like this that provide the vital impetus to affect positive change.

Today's winners now join an impressive alumni formed of Africa's most impactful, passionate and committed conservationists. 55 inspirational individuals now make up the awards alumni network. They are innovating, collaborating and leading the charge and they have all one thing in common Tusk.

Tusk is a truly unique organization, dedicated to empowering its collaborators and committed to investing for impact. Tusk is a strong supporter of African driven conservation. And I would like to pay tribute to the tireless leadership of Charlie Mayhugh.

This is my chance to embarrass Charlie, but seriously, Charlie you have done the most incredible job in your time as CEO and I look forward to us continuing working closely together as you become president next year.

There must be no letup in our collective efforts to stem the terrifying loss of species and habitats we're all bearing witness to.

Thank you for being here tonight to celebrate the remarkable individuals that are leading those efforts to ensure we all can live on a healthier planet. I wish you all an enjoyable evening.

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