莫斯科与深圳的不同之处 II

知识 外教Karina教你说英语 第14期 2018-03-05 创建 播放:1670

介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu)


介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu)


Welcome to MT English .This is Karina . So this is the second part of comparing Moscow to Shenzhen. As you’ve already heard before ,I mentioned three points about Moscow and Shenzhen,which are electronic money, online shopping and safety.
欢迎来到MT English,我是Karina,这是比较深圳和莫斯科的第二部分。正如你之前听到的,我提到了关于莫斯科和深圳的三点,那就是电子货币,网上购物和安全。

Now I would like to mention that I come back to Moscow every year, once a year. And the first thing I do is of course I eat ,I really crave Russian food,even though I'm not sure that Chinese people enjoy it. Recently, that has been a huge amount of(许多的) tourists that I see all around Moscow who travel but they mostly like to eat Chinese food or Asian food . But I would describe Russian food is very heavy and it reminds me of Polish food.We have a lot of potatoes,a lot of meat ,a lot of salads that have mayo(蛋黄酱) in it . So also we eat blinis which I would translate as 姜饼. Every nation has their kind of姜饼.For example France has crepes, and the only translation I found for that is 若欧可丽饼, crepes. So,another traditional dish that we have is borscht, which translated to Chinese as 罗宋汤..And it is the main ingredient is reddish.So I would say that Moscow has really good food and the quality of food is really good.

Another things that I do when I come back,I definitely go to the Red Square 红场.Because its beautiful and even though I lived in Moscow all my life,I still get amazed every time I go there.It's amazingly beautiful.And as you all know,Shenzhen has been existed for less than forty years.So of course it doesn't have much history or culture,that's what I miss.I miss the culture and so I go to a lot of museums in Moscow,museums,such as Tretyakov Gallery(画廊) , which can be translated as特列季科夫画廊. And it's a major art museum that has paintings from sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth century and you can definitely discover a lots of Russian artists if you go there.Another place of interest that you could go to is Arbat street,which is a pedestrian(行人) street 步行街.You can find a lot of interesting arts you can find different Matryoshka俄罗斯娃娃.You can buy a lot of things there and also you can see street music.

So I would like to underline that the food and the culture of the two things that I definitely miss about Moscow and the two things that I feel like Shenzhen lacks of,But I am sure that with time it's going to get so much better.Thank you for listening ,this was Karina for MT English.I hope you enjoy this podcast.
我想要再强调,食物和文化这两者都是我一想到莫斯科便会想到的。同时,这两者也是我感觉深圳所缺少的。但是我确定随着时间的发展,深圳一定会变得更好。谢谢你们的收听,我是MT English 的Karina,希望你们喜欢这一次的节目。

1.a huge amount of 许多的
There are a huge amount of birds.那里有许多的鸟儿。

n. 画廊.
The bright modern painting stares out at you in the otherwise conservative gallery.有些古典派画廊也会陈列出明朗色彩的现代派绘画。

adj. 徒步的;缺乏想像力的
n. 行人;步行者
The development will feature 68 homes set around pedestrian streets. 

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