莫斯科与深圳的不同之处 I

知识 外教Karina教你说英语 第13期 2018-03-01 创建 播放:1414

介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu)


介绍: 公众号:MT英语(ID:mtkouyu)


Welcome to MT English, this is Karina. So I would like to talk about the differences between Moscow and Shenzhen. As you all know, I come from Moscow.Moscow is the capital of Russia,the biggest city of Russia. The most developed, cultured and international city in Russia. And as my second home, I’ve chosen Shenzhen.

I really think that Shenzhen is my second home, and 我是深圳人. I’m from Shenzhen. I know it’s really well. I have been living here for four years. And I have been living in Moscow for almost all my life which is more than twenty years. So let’s see what are the differences that I find convenient or inconvenient between Moscow and Shenzhen.

So every time I come back to Moscow, one thing that I find really inconvenient is the fact that I always have to take out my wallet. So in Russia or in the west, electronic money is still not widely accepted. And this is why I like China is because we can use Alipay or WeChat Pay and you don’t have to take out your wallet. It’s just, it’s really easy. You can pay anything with it, your bills, your electricity bills, your water, any groceries. You can buy tickets with it. And basically that’s the most convenient thing about China so far.

Second thing that I find really inconvenient in Moscow but convenient in Shenzhen or in China is the fact that “kuai di”. The delivery is really fast. In Russia, if you’re wanna get something you go and buy it in real life. And in China, you can get anything within maybe three hours, or we have to do is go online. So I like the fact that online purchases are really easy to make.

And another thing is thing number three is safety. Moscow is really not a safe city. Especially if you go into suburbs, you can find that most of the trains are they don’t have any CCTV (Closed Circuit Television 闭路电视)operating cameras. So it would be difficult to track someone who would steal or do something. But in China because everything is so high tech, the police can track any crime these days. So that’s why it makes much easier to travel or go back home during the night in China.

So these are the three really good points that I like about living in Shenzhen. Let’s summarize them. It’s the fact that I can use WeChat wallet, the fact that “kuai di” . “kuai di”is really fast. And I can make any purchases online. And they would come really fast. And the third really important point is that for me as a woman, it’s really important to be safe in a foreign country. So three points that I made so far.

Thank you for listening. This was Karina for MT English. I hope you enjoy the podcast. 谢谢收听,我是MT英语的凯莉。


1.groceries  ['grəʊs(ə)rɪz]
n. 杂货;食品;生活用品
eg.I have brought him some groceries. 

2.track [træk]
n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道
vt. 通过;循路而行;用纤拉
vi. 走;留下足迹
eg.What else should you track? 

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