I Won't

歌手:Richard Walters


发行公司: Nettwerk Music Group


As a solo artist Richard Walters has released five critically acclaimed albums and four EP's since 2007. His music has featured on a number of hit TV shows incl...

As a solo artist Richard Walters has released five critically acclaimed albums and four EP's since 2007. His music has featured on a number of hit TV shows including Grey's Anatomy, Tin Star and CSI: Miami.

As a songwriter and collaborator Richard has worked with Grammy winner Joe Henry, British icon Alison Moyet, current UK poet laureate Simon Armitage (as part of the band LYR) and even Oscar nominated actress and singer Florence Pugh. Collectively, his work has amassed over 100 million streams.

Richard’s releases have gained notable support from Lauren Laverne and Guy Garvey at BBC 6 Music, Dermot O’Leary at BBC Radio 2, and a number of influential publications including The Guardian, The Line of Best Fit and Clash.



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