"Migrations" is a song that delves into the themes of freedom and flux, exploring the dynamic nature of movement and love. It reflects on how the choices we mak...
"Migrations" is a song that delves into the themes of freedom and flux, exploring the dynamic nature of movement and love. It reflects on how the choices we make shape our lives and relationships, capturing the essence of change and the impact of our decisions.
Richard says: "I adore Katherine Priddy's music and voice, and we kept talking about writing a song together but just never seemed to be in the same place at the same time. Eventually we started writing 'Migrations' over email; she was on tour in Australia and I was recording in the US, so it was her autumn and my summer, and the lyrical idea came out of that. Writing by correspondence can be so rewarding, little sections of the song appearing over time like little gifts for each other in our inboxes everyday. It's a song about freedom and flux, both in movement and in love, the choices we make and the effect they have on our lives.
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