Sudden Twilight

歌手:Richard Walters / Fairhazel


发行公司: Nettwerk Music Group


"Sudden Twilight" dives deep into the struggle with depression, capturing the powerful role of family and fatherhood in pulling through the darkness. Composed o...

"Sudden Twilight" dives deep into the struggle with depression, capturing the powerful role of family and fatherhood in pulling through the darkness. Composed on a new upright piano, the song's rich, immersive sound sets the stage for a journey from despair to hope. With Brian Wilson-esque harmonies crafted by the talented Fairhazel, this track is a heartfelt ode to finding light even in the darkest moments.

Richard about the track: "Last autumn I ended up buying a new piano. There’s something about writing on a real piano that can’t be replicated working on a digital version, no matter how good the plugin sound or how loud the speakers - an acoustic piano creates a wraparound of sound and just pulls you in. ‘Sudden Twilight’ is the first song I wrote on the new upright piano. It's a song about occasional visits from the black dog and how my daughters, and fatherhood, pull me out of my depression again and again. It features Brian Wilson-esque harmony stacks by the remarkably talented Nashville based artist Fairhazel. It’s a song about letting the light in.



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