威廉王子 | 2024年诺曼底登陆80周年纪念日致辞

知识 情迷英音 第871期 2024-06-13 创建 播放:187

介绍: I am deeply honoured to join you today to recognise the bravery of all of those like John Haddock who participated in the D-Day landings, the start of the liberation of France and Europe, that led to victory of the Allied Powers.

介绍: I am deeply honoured to join you today to recognise the bravery of all of those like John Haddock who participated in the D-Day landings, the start of the liberation of France and Europe, that led to victory of the Allied Powers.

Our guests of honour today are those veterans from the Normandy landing, that came from across our nation and from all walks of life to join in the fight against tyranny.

Many of those that took up arms had never seen combat before, some were still only in their teens. In their letters and diaries, we see their great strength.

This is an extract from a letter by Captain Alastair Bannerman, the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, addressed to his wife and written in his diary on the morning of D-Day.
这是英国皇家沃里克郡团阿拉斯泰尔·班纳曼上尉写给妻子的一封信的节选,这封信是他在 诺曼底登陆当天早上写在日记里的。

It is now 03.00 hours in the morning and I have just been up to the bridge. It is rather light because the moon is shining, though heavy clouds cover her. One can see the row of small ships and of darker balloons silhouetted in front and behind us against the grey sea.

You, my angel, sleep gently in the nursery, I hope. Your thoughts have helped me so much. They have given me real strength. I can imagine how you listen to the news at 9 o’clock and think of me with love.

I hope that Andrew’s golden head rests gently and quietly upon his small pillow and that Richard is nice and comfortable lying in his narrow little carry-cot.

A long line of flares hangs over Cherbourg, or I suppose it is Cherbourg, and a few anti-aircraft tracer shots go up in the air above the immediate front line. Funny to imagine that there Germans run around their guns. I would like to know what they are thinking.

The whole Channel between us and Cherbourg is filled with little ships which all quietly and efficiently sail towards France. The British, Canadian and American fighting forces on the war-path.

I do not believe that I can now write for very long. We can now see the French coast and very soon we will have to play our part.

I must go now and look for the landing markings with my binoculars to ascertain our landing points. So, my darling, on we go! I know that you are with me. Au revoir, God bless, I love you!
我现在得用望远镜寻找登陆标记,以确定我们的登陆位置。亲爱的,我们出发吧!我知道你与我同在! 再见,上帝保佑,我爱你!

Captain Bannerman survived the landings and the war, being taken prisoner and returning home to his wife and sons in April the next year. Too many never returned. They remain in 'some corner of a foreign field that is forever England.

We will always remember those who served and those who waved them off. The mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters who watched their loved ones go into battle, unsure if they would ever return.

Today we remember the bravery of those who crossed this sea to liberate Europe. Those who ensured that Operation Overlord was a success. And those who waited for their safe return.

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