英国首相里希·苏纳克 | 2023年圣诞节致辞

知识 情迷英音 第793期 2024-01-03 创建 播放:2006

介绍: Happy Christmas everyone. It's that magical time of the year again when so many of us are  looking forward to all the joy and togetherness of tomorrow.

But just before then I want to take a moment to thank all those who will...

介绍: Happy Christmas everyone. It's that magical time of the year again when so many of us are  looking forward to all the joy and togetherness of tomorrow.

But just before then I want to take a moment to thank all those who will be sacrificing their Christmases this year in the service of  others, the people working in our NHS, in our police forces and in our amazing Armed Forces, to remember those facing a difficult time here and in many places around the world and to reflect on the Christian values at the heart of this celebration of Christ's birth.

Because Christmas is a time of  peace, joy, compassion, a time of hope and a promise of a better world. And today as we look ahead, let's  keep that promise of a brighter future burning into the new year.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing for the festivities, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

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