凯瑞·穆里根 | 为战争儿童公益组织募捐

知识 情迷英音 第315期 2020-08-07 创建 播放:1527

介绍: Hello, I’m Carey Mulligan. Thank you so much for visiting the War Child Emergency Crowdfunder website.


War zones are already one of the most dangerous and frightening places in the world to be a child, and coronavirus is making life much, much h...

介绍: Hello, I’m Carey Mulligan. Thank you so much for visiting the War Child Emergency Crowdfunder website.


War zones are already one of the most dangerous and frightening places in the world to be a child, and coronavirus is making life much, much harder.


Children in conflict zones and refugee camps are at even greater risk of exploitation, trauma and even starvation. Many could be left with nobody to turn to.


Coronavirus has made War Child’s work even more challenging but their staff are still on the front line, working tirelessly to reach children who desperately need us now more than ever.


I’ve seen War Child’s incredible work in action and I know it saves and transforms children’s lives but they can’t do it without us.


Please help War Child reach and protect more children from the impacts of coronavirus and war by taking a look at the amazing line-up of items and experiences on sale here.


Everything you see here has been exclusively gifted on War Child, so not only will you get the chance to buy something truly unique, but the money you donate means War Child can help more children now.


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