海伦·米伦女爵 | 朗读诗歌《现在正是时候》

知识 情迷英音 第296期 2020-07-17 创建 播放:763

介绍: I’m going to read you a poem by a Sufi poet, a Persian poet, called Hafez who lived in the 12th century. But it’s incredible the way his words have such power and meaning for a soul today, particularly at this moment in time when the whole world is experiencing what we’re experiencing.

介绍: I’m going to read you a poem by a Sufi poet, a Persian poet, called Hafez who lived in the 12th century. But it’s incredible the way his words have such power and meaning for a soul today, particularly at this moment in time when the whole world is experiencing what we’re experiencing.

Now is the time
Now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred.
Now, why not consider a lasting truce with yourself and god.
Now is the time to understand that all your ideas of right and wrong were just a child’s training wheels to be laid aside when you finally live with veracity and love.
You are a divine envoy whom the beloved has written a holy message upon.
My dear, please tell me, why do you still throw sticks at your heart and god?
What is it in that sweet voice inside that incites you to fear?
Now is the time for the world to know that every thought and action is sacred.
This is the time for you to compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace.
Now is the season to know that everything you do is sacred.

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