朱莉·艾金汉 | 让所有人有家可归

知识 情迷英音 第302期 2020-07-23 创建 播放:1338

介绍: It’s a good idea to contemplate what homefullness means, because it makes you appreciate it even more.
For me, it’s more than a roof over your head, it’s home and hearth, and it means you can go about your daily business, knowing you’ve always g...

介绍: It’s a good idea to contemplate what homefullness means, because it makes you appreciate it even more.
For me, it’s more than a roof over your head, it’s home and hearth, and it means you can go about your daily business, knowing you’ve always got support and understanding whether things go well or they go wrong.
It can mean something as basic as a smile at the end of a long day or someone put the kettle on for you. It can mean a hug from your kids, or it can mean something much grander providing the space for a family celebration, and sometimes it can be a welcomed hiding place when life takes a downturn.
Homelessness is what happens when you have none of this, it’s not just a lack of the bricks and mortar. That’s why the worker at Anchor House is so important.
无家可归并非仅仅是没有房子,而是当你没有这些东西里任何一样的时候会发生什么。这就是为什么Anchor House如此重要的原因。
It’s not just a safe place to sleep, but a place of warmth and support where homeless people have the chance to rebuild their lives and crucially to regain a sense of what home really means. It will be fantastic if you could lend your support.
Thank you.

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