
知识 英语口语每日养成 @葫芦语言 第622期 2018-11-20 创建 播放:52490

介绍: 【句子】Are you familiar with the term “throwing good money after bad”? 【Modern Family-S2E9】
【发音】[ɑ:(r)] [ju:] [fə'mɪlɪə(r)] [wɪð] [ðə] [tɜ:(r)m] ['θrəʊɪŋ] [gʊd] ['mʌni] ['ɑ:ftə]/[ 'æftər] [bæd]
【发音技巧】good money不完全失去爆破;after英美发音区别;

介绍: 【句子】Are you familiar with the term “throwing good money after bad”? 【Modern Family-S2E9】
【发音】[ɑ:(r)] [ju:] [fə'mɪlɪə(r)] [wɪð] [ðə] [tɜ:(r)m] ['θrəʊɪŋ] [gʊd] ['mʌni] ['ɑ:ftə]/[ 'æftər] [bæd]
【发音技巧】good money不完全失去爆破;after英美发音区别;
throw good money after bad
to waste money by spending more money on something that you have already spent money on and which is no good
再比如说:之前已经在一个不怎么成功的项目上投入了不少钱,现在又来找你,想让你进一步投资,你如果投了更多钱,这就叫throw good money after bad

eg: Trying to fix that old car would just be throwing good money after bad.

eg: I thought I was saving money by buying a used bike, but I've thrown good money after bad spending so much on repairs.

eg: I bought a used car and then had to spend $300 on repairs. That was throwing good money after bad.

eg: Hiring him to improve that software is throwing good money after bad. It's based on an older operating system and will soon be obsolete.

Instead of cutting corners on the project and then having to throw good money after bad to try to bring it up to snuff, why don't you just invest the appropriate time and money from the get-go.

BGM: Lenka - Lucky

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