皇家利物浦爱乐乐团(Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra),英国交响乐团。1943年创建于利物浦。其前身为1840年建立的利物浦爱乐协会的乐团。1957年伊丽莎白女王授予乐团“皇家”称号。
It is the UK's only orchestra that has its own hall. The society is the second oldest of its type in the United Kingdom and its orchestra, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, is the country's longest-surviving professional orchestra. In addition to the orchestra, the society administers the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir. the Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and other choirs and ensembles. It is involved in educational and community projects in Liverpool and its surrounding region. The society and its members have won a number of honours and awards and played an important role when Liverpool was the European Capital of Culture in 2008. It is based in the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, an art deco concert hall built in the late 1930s.
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