Darkness of human existence is often side-stepped. #REIPOP newcomer REI AMI, however, balls up her fists and unleashes her demons across the breadth of her new work. In her first three singles, REI AMI exhibits great strength in poetic tragedy, as she so often stokes the flames of moody melancholy, excavating what beauty may lie underneath in the process. Her craft is as blissful as it is devilish, and she instantly casts a mesmeric spell over the listener -- heightening the senses and provoking them to question their own well-being. REI AMI stands as a true firebrand. A vast background of sensibilities, she’s a chameleon in every sense and unafraid of saying exactly what’s on her mind. Her 3 debut singles burst with every color of what music can and should do. Pop music isn’t ready for what’s coming next.
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