皮特龙 Peter J. Kuhn

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 皮特龙 Peter J. Kuhn简介

皮特龙 (Peter Joseph Kuhn) 是一位目前居住在长沙的美国歌手,歌曲作者,表演家,多乐器手,CFL-1 CrossFit教练以及运动员。他母亲是中国人,父亲来自纽约。他的姓源于德国,因为爷爷奶奶是德国人。十六岁开始写歌,十八岁起在美国就开始了他的专业表演生涯。从2015年来到中国就被中国文化深深吸引。在美国的时候他自制了自己的专辑,现在在中国也仍然在继续着他的创作事业。最开始来中国是想学习这里源远流长的文化历史和陪伴他的亲人们,然而他发现了这里机遇无限,于是皮特想继续成为这里经济文化飞速发展的一部分。因为有着音乐和运动的专业背景,他想要留在这里传播更多的西方音乐和美国运动文化。 除了对音乐的热爱,他也热衷于运动。他是专业的CrossFit教练和运动员。同时,他也是美式足球长沙革命球队的四分卫,长沙浣熊的游击手以及长沙外国人球队的得分后卫。 Peter Joseph Kuhn is an American currently living in China as a singer/songwriter, performing artist, multi-instrumentalist, CFL-1 CrossFit coach and multi-sport athlete. His mother is from China and his father is from New York. His last name is of German descent, as his father’s parents are German. He has been writing his own music since the age of 16 and has been performing professionally in America since 18. He has been living in China since 2015 and ever since he first came, he has found the culture fascinating. He has released one studio album while in America, and continues his songwriting work in China. He came to China originally to learn more about it’s rich culture and history and to spend more time with his relatives, however he has discovered that it is also a vast land of great opportunities. Peter wants to become a part of this ever-changing and rapid development. With his background in both music and sports, one of Peter’s goals is to help spread more western style music and American sports. When he is not recording and songwriting, he is participating in CrossFit competitions, playing American Football with the 长沙革命球队,playing baseball games with 启乐棒球 in Changsha, or playing basketball with the 长沙老外球队。





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