Sibelius: Piano Music

歌手:Eero Heinonen


发行公司: Piano Classics


Jean Sibelius, Finland’s most famous composer, is mainly known for his epic seven symphonies, but he wrote an fine corpus of piano music of surprising quality a...

Jean Sibelius, Finland’s most famous composer, is mainly known for his epic seven symphonies, but he wrote an fine corpus of piano music of surprising quality and originality. In his piano works Sibelius is able to conjure up wonderfully effective and evocative moods, inspired by nature and the rich Finnish folklore. His piano textures are sonorously innovative and have a symphonic dimension, a combination of powerful expression and intimate delicacy. Presented here are the Six Impromptus Op. 5, the Sonatina Op. 67/1, 5 Morceaux Op. 75 and the Ten Piano Pieces Op. 24. Pianist Eero Heinonen is one of Finland’s foremost pianists, a veteran and authority in the performance of Sibelius’ complete piano music.


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