Alex Pangman’s Hot Three

歌手:Alex Pangman


发行公司: Justin Time Records Inc.


In the spirit of early jazz recording pioneers, we recorded this album live, direct to acetate 78 rpm disc, on a 1930’s portable Presto lathe. No smoke. No mir...

In the spirit of early jazz recording pioneers, we recorded this album live, direct to acetate 78 rpm disc, on a 1930’s portable Presto lathe. No smoke. No mirrors.

Unlike most contemporary recordings, there’s no post-production editing where effects could be added, errors fixed, or singer/instruments baffled to avoid studio bleed. We experienced what the early recorded greats would have, recording with no headphones, and with instruments placed for optimum audio using a single microphone. Tempos and arrangements had to be tailored to a maximum 3:15 recording time to fit the strict 10-inch disc width. And no toe-tapping allowed, because vibrations travel up the needle and spoil a take. Many of the tunes on this recording are of the hot and bawdy sort one might expect from a one-room studio at the side of the road in New Orleans. Every recording is a time capsule, and this is ours live off the floor in New Orleans, March 2017.



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