Pulse of the Earth

歌手:Hungry Lucy



On "Pulse of the Earth" Christa and Warren cast aside all expectations and spent time isolated in the mountains of Tennessee and away from the World. With no ...

On "Pulse of the Earth" Christa and Warren cast aside all expectations and spent time isolated in the mountains of Tennessee and away from the World. With no outside disturbances the duo were able to ignore trends and dive headlong into the art of storytelling. From these stories were born 10 songs of mystery, other-worldly beings and the spirit of the earth. As always, Hungry Lucy crosses genres at a moments notice, while somehow maintaining a cohesive vision. Christa Belle's haunting voice digs deep and soars high above a bed of gypsy melodies, ominous drones and tribal rhythms. At once ambient, catchy and full of drama, these 10 songs will get inside you, settle within and bring you in sync with the pulse of the earth.



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