Nothing Good Gets Away

歌手:Tyler Brown Williams / Jordan Critz


发行公司: Tone Tree Music


Nothing good gets away

If it’s right then it’s right and it stays

All the wondering is gone when it’s where you belong ‘Cause nothing good gets away

The sun won...

Nothing good gets away

If it’s right then it’s right and it stays

All the wondering is gone when it’s where you belong ‘Cause nothing good gets away

The sun won’t push the moon to its place

The shoreline won’t hurry the wave

That’s the thing about love, oh there’s no need to rush ‘Cause nothing good gets away

And I will love you through it all

The rise, each and every fall

Let the storms come as they may

But our love will break through the day Because nothing good gets away

The thread of our fate always glows

Golden through triumphs and throes

And the stars write our name and burn all the same ‘Cause nothing good gets away

And I will love you through it all

The rise, each and every fall

Let the storms come as they may

But our love will break through the day Because nothing good gets away

And when all of our years start to fade

And we’re looking back on all of our days

Let the lines on our face tell the memories we made ‘Cause nothing good gets away

And I will love you through it all

The rise, each and every fall

And I will love you through it all

The rise, each and every fall

Let the storms come as they may

But our love will break through the day Because nothing good gets away



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