Geowulf embarks on a new chapter, transitioning from a duo best known for the melodic pop hit 'Saltwater' to the solo endeavour of Star Kendrick. Geowulf has an...
Geowulf embarks on a new chapter, transitioning from a duo best known for the melodic pop hit 'Saltwater' to the solo endeavour of Star Kendrick. Geowulf has an emotionally honest playing field, you can expect empowered yet honest accounts of life and love through her upcoming releases as this new iteration ushers in an era of unbridled honesty and expression.
Geowulf said of her new song, Stay Baby, “I was really wanting a droney 90s esque feeling for this chorus. I like the change in tempos and the contrast of the story telling verses and the chorus which becomes more of a plea. This song explores personal abandonment, disappointment and family. It’s one of my favourites on the record."
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