I Love Baby

歌手:Angel Corpus Christi



Emotional Rescue is delighted to announce bringing together two classic Suicide songs reinterpreted by avant-garde pop auteur Angel Corpus Christi. Recorded as ...

Emotional Rescue is delighted to announce bringing together two classic Suicide songs reinterpreted by avant-garde pop auteur Angel Corpus Christi. Recorded as part of Angel’s personal take on the Downtown NYC scene, this release brings her cover versions of this cult band on one dedicated release for the first time.

Singer, songwriter and accordionist, Angel Corpus Christi has carved out a niche all her own, releasing 5 albums and numerous singles that highlight her oft-nonchalant musings over off kilter production and a post-punk-pop aesthetic.

Her debut album - “I LOVE NY” was a concept collection celebrating the ground breaking music formed and released in New York during it’s pre and post punk heyday of the late 60 to early 80s.

Taking in the inspiration from the original punk sounds of the Velvet Underground through to her own re-take of Theme From Taxi Driver, as well as punk standards like Blank Generation, the album has become a cult classic itself.

Within this collection though contained two stand-out gems in Angel’s covers of Suicide’s Cheree and Dream Baby Dream. For some these songs represent the high mark of Alan Vega and Martin Rev’s special and ground breaking partnership and in original form have a special place in this label’s heart.

Featuring no less than Alan Vega on backing vocals, plus life-time partner Bruce Anderson on guitar and produced by Howard Thompson, “I Love Baby” is itself a homage from Emotional Rescue to Suicide and will hopefully be appreciated as a special release in due course.

O Baby. Dream Baby Dream...



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