Compilation of all the splits except the ones with Archgoat, Vothana and Clandestine Blaze.
Recording information:
Side Armaggedon
Track 1 (April 2002): The T...
Compilation of all the splits except the ones with Archgoat, Vothana and Clandestine Blaze.
Recording information:
Side Armaggedon
Track 1 (April 2002): The True Frost / Satanic Warmaster - The True Face of Evil.
Track 2 (April 2003): Krieg / Satanic Warmaster - Untitled.
Tracks 3-5 (February and March 2003): Satanic Warmaster / Akitsa.
Track 6 (October 2005): Satanic Warmaster / Stutthof - A Hymn for the Black Empire / Ancient Visitors From Ur... And the Holocaust of Renegades.
Side Barbarism
Track 7 (January 2004 (Intro), June and July 2003): Aryan Blood / Satanic Warmaster - Strength / Pride / Nobility / The Chant of Barbarian Wolves.
Track 8 (October 2002), track 9 (June and July 2003) and track 10 (December 2002): Mütiilation / Drowning the Light / Satanic Warmaster - Dark Hymns.
Side Crucifixion
Track 11 (May 2004): Evil (2) / Satanic Warmaster - Southern / Carelian Black Metal Holocaust.
Track 12 (July 2005, July 2007) and track 13 (Acoustic, May 2004): Behexen / Satanic Warmaster.
Side Darkness
Track 14 (June and July 2007): Totenburg / Satanic Warmaster - Leichenfeuer / Majesty of Wampyric Blood.
Track 15 (April 2004): Tormenting Legends Part I.
Track 16 (May 2004): Satanic Skinhead: Declaration of Anti-Semetic Terror.
Barcode: 827166381527
Matrix / Runout: DA0507 EVIL-044-CD
Mastering SID Code: IFPI LDC2
Mould SID Code: IFPI 5J93
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