‘Holes of Sinian’ is the fourth studio album from Shanghai based artist 33EMYBW, and features collaborations with Marina Herlop, Batu, Forrest Gander and oxi pe...
‘Holes of Sinian’ is the fourth studio album from Shanghai based artist 33EMYBW, and features collaborations with Marina Herlop, Batu, Forrest Gander and oxi peng.
‘Time is a porous Sinian stone.
The mystery of the Sinian stone lies in the "holes" rather than the "stones" - these holes constitute the beauty of the Sinian stone, forming overlapping gaps and penetrating scenes, and also constructing the existence of the Sinian stone itself. The mysteries and contingencies of life are like holes in stone, densely covered in time, leaving fractal paths and jumping clues in the evolution history of the earth. Ghosts of the oldest Ediacaran biota wander among them - "Evolution Failed!" But instead of dying, they drift from rocky crevices into another dimension, from hole to hole, haunting them in nonlinear time, replanning another arrival.’
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