Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (Original Game Soundtrack)

歌手:Ryan Ike


发行公司: Materia Collective


The original soundtrack for Dim Bulb Games’ Where The Water Tastes Like Wine. Featuring well over a dozen live performers and songs ranging the breadth of Ameri...

The original soundtrack for Dim Bulb Games’ Where The Water Tastes Like Wine. Featuring well over a dozen live performers and songs ranging the breadth of American music, from folk to bluegrass to big band jazz. Like America itself, this album is one big story, woven of many small ones.

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine is an upcoming game about traveling, sharing stories, and surviving manifest destiny. Featuring gorgeous illustration by Kellan Jett, Where the Water Tastes Like Wine combines 2D visuals with a 3D overworld US map. Players wander through the United States - and through a century of history - to meet a variety of people, each with their own stories to tell.

"Working on this soundtrack has been a dream come true for a lot of reasons. I've always been really interested in how music can change and take on a life of its own as people share it, and getting to explore that idea with WTWTLW's world map theme (which shifts styles and influences depending on where you are in the country) was awesome. I'm also a big fan of how people from different backgrounds can come together to form one musical culture.

I think American Folk music is one of the best examples of that, and writing this soundtrack meant I got to work with a ton of amazing performers from all over the country, including many I've been wanting an excuse to hire for a long time. Working on this game really crossed a lot of stuff off my musical bucket list!" - Ryan Ike


  • 音乐开放平台
  • 云村交易所
  • X StudioAI歌手
  • 用户认证
  • AI 免费写歌
  • 云推歌
  • 赞赏

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