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歌手:Ольга Восконьян / Био


发行公司: Electric Records


Olga Voskonyan is a musician, composer, performer of the famous retro hit "Cars", as well as the author and performer of hits, without which none of her concert...

Olga Voskonyan is a musician, composer, performer of the famous retro hit "Cars", as well as the author and performer of hits, without which none of her concerts "Golden Hoop" and "Purple Dress" from the album 2020-2021 "Colored Dreams" can do without.

In June 2019, Olga tries her hand at writing lyrics to the music of Oleg Parastaev, a famous composer and musician, author of the famous song "At Dawn" by the Alliance group, as well as a number of other famous songs. At the studio "Electric Records", with the help of Alexander Vladimirovich Yakovlev (BIO group), the first song "Stop" is recorded. The experience turned out to be successful, and Oleg Parastaev himself, according to him, is simply delighted with what he heard, played the song all night long. This inspired Olga to continue her work. It was decided to record a whole album of songs to the music of Oleg Parastaev.

The album "Love is Right" is the result of three years of joint work. Unfortunately, Olga and Alexander continued this work without Oleg...

We dedicate this album to his memory...

This version of the album "Love is Right" contains remixes in the style of "naive synthpop", which reminds us of the sound of electronic instruments of the late 80s. The time when we all loved new electronic music so much. We made this remixes with electronic instruments from the 80's: Yamaha DX100, Casio HT3000, Yamaha RX7, Yamaha SY99.



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