Falkensteins self produced debut-album "Heiliger Wald" gained a lot of applause in Folk music press and was highly recommended by many reviewers. their brandnew...
Falkensteins self produced debut-album "Heiliger Wald" gained a lot of applause in Folk music press and was highly recommended by many reviewers. their brandnew album "Urdarbrunnen" is now released by the STEINKLANG / AHNSTERN NeoFolk daughterlabel HEIMATFOLK. "Urdarbrunnen" is again a perfecly played, strong and dreamingly beautiful album with a rich, varied instrumentation, even more dense and powerful than the debut album. the musical range lasts from acoustic ballads over Martial Folk songs to dark fairietales about naturaly mysticism, paganism and natural rites in the Alpine regions.
all songs recorded by Tobias Franke - mastered by Axel Frank (WERKRAUM) - artwork, layout and most fotos by Max Percht (STURMPERCHT)
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