
歌手:永遠の悪魔 Eternity Devil


发行公司: Liminal Garden


We are honored and grateful to bring you this special treat of an album: 豪華の万能薬 (An Opulent Panacea) by 永遠の悪魔 Eternity Devil.

Processing field recordings throu...

We are honored and grateful to bring you this special treat of an album: 豪華の万能薬 (An Opulent Panacea) by 永遠の悪魔 Eternity Devil.

Processing field recordings through resonators or granular effects and employing modular synthesizers the Hungarian artist has crafted a naturewave journey of epic proportions. It comes as one seamless play of four chapters, each one letting you escape deeper and darker into a fantastical world occupied by the sounds of heavy rain, crawling insects, distant tribal rhythms and a magical presence that is hard to describe and best left to each listener's own imagination.

The album presents a new direction in the already rather eclectic discography of the multi-talented artist. And yet she hasn’t shed the dystopian trappings of her dreampunk work entirely: The sound of 豪華の万能薬 paints a humid and overgrown world with an ever-present sense of foreboding. As that, one could argue it fits neatly in that sweet spot halfway between genre-defining classics like 2814's “Birth of a New Day” and 猫 シ Corp.’s “地球” — all while presenting its own unique twist.

豪華の万能薬 can be the eponymous cure to calm your mind and let it wander into uncharted depths. Our advice is to trust the prescription and let it do just that.


The cassette release presents the full album as one uninterrupted experience on the A side. For the B side 永遠の悪魔 Eternity Devil has created an exclusive “Tropics of the Sea” version of the whole album, only available on cassette.

The digital album comes with an extended “Sunny Day” bonus edit of “オーラの波紋” (Aura Ripples).


Music, artwork and concepts by 永遠の悪魔 Eternity Devil

Tape design by LIMINAL GARDEN


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