【 Deemo 】Full Story

创作翻唱 ※ 古树旋律 ※ Deemo 第4期 2016-11-14 创建 播放:4694

介绍: Here is a slightly clearer explanation: One day Alice (the little girl) falls through a window into that world. Deemo is a tall black creature who she becomes friends with. She doesn't know that she is in a coma and this is all her imagination though. One day a tree starts to sprout and they decide that the o...

介绍: Here is a slightly clearer explanation: One day Alice (the little girl) falls through a window into that world. Deemo is a tall black creature who she becomes friends with. She doesn't know that she is in a coma and this is all her imagination though. One day a tree starts to sprout and they decide that the only way to grow the tree is to play music. Eventually the tree would get tall enough, that Alice could climb up and return home through the window. Deemo starts to help her kindly by playing the piano to make the tree grow. A masked lady resides in that world, and deemo seems to be close to her. The masked lady doesn't want the tree to grow, and she obviously wants Alice to stay in that world. Eventually when the time comes for Alice to go (on that weird floating platform thing near the end) she tries to stop her, but deemo pats her on the head and she finally gives up. As alice is flying into the sky by deemo's piano playing on the platform, she remembers that deemo is actually Hans, her brother, that died while trying to protect her from getting hit by a truck. As he reveals his true from, the masked lady, who sits by his side takes off her mask, to be revealed as Alice herself. The masked lady is Alice's conscience, who knows hans is dead and she wanted her to stay there in dreamland with him. Alice soon wakes up from her comotose state

  • 音乐开放平台
  • 云村交易所
  • X StudioAI歌手
  • 用户认证
  • AI 免费写歌
  • 云推歌
  • 赞赏

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