
知识 每日双语新闻 | 快乐学英语 第906期 2024-06-17 创建 播放:3518

介绍: 'Rage rituals' are the latest wellness trend among women
A new trend is gaining traction online, where women are paying a fortune to go to the woods and smash things, which wellness experts have dubbed "rage rituals".

During these stress-relieving ceremonies, participants scream and beat large sticks on th...

介绍: 'Rage rituals' are the latest wellness trend among women
A new trend is gaining traction online, where women are paying a fortune to go to the woods and smash things, which wellness experts have dubbed "rage rituals".

During these stress-relieving ceremonies, participants scream and beat large sticks on the forest's ground. Since the forest is far away from residential areas, participants have the freedom to fully embody their rage.

For years, Mia Magik has led rage rituals in Scotland. She began doing them for herself and her friends, before adding them as an option to her wellness retreats.

During the rage ritual, Magik guides the participants to sit with their deepest emotions, walking them through warm-ups and deep breaths. Typically, she tells them to conjure "every person who's ever crossed you, who's ever hurt you, who's ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way."

The rituals have resonated with women on social media, as many comment below viral videos on how much of a relief it is to channel their anger — especially in a society that frowns upon women embracing their ugliest emotions.

"I literally cried seeing this … I NEED this, " one woman wrote.

Magik said it made sense that her rage rituals have resonated with so many women.

"It's like, 'Don't be angry or don't be aggressive or don't stand up for yourself, '" she explained. "There are particular emotions that are accepted in the gender binary that we each need to feel. Men need to cry — and it's so healthy for men to cry — and women need to be able to get angry."

Experts note that rage rituals likely won't work for everyone. Depending on the person, rage can be better exorcised with active strategies like a high-intensity workout, while others can benefit from more soothing activities like a sound bath.

traction n. 牵引,牵引力
resonate v. (乐器等)产生共鸣
exorcise v. 驱邪,驱除

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