
知识 早安英文 第2923期 2024-06-12 创建 播放:11233

介绍: 笔记:cradle v. 抱着
比如说,抱着一个小宝宝 to cradle a baby. 
On Thursday morning, the lovebirds nearly broke the internet as they posted photos of the supermodel, 27, cradling her stomach as they renewed their vows in Hawaii. 
周四早上,这对情侣在夏威夷跟新婚礼誓言时,捧着这位 27 岁超模腹部的照片,这几乎炸裂...

介绍: 笔记:cradle v. 抱着
比如说,抱着一个小宝宝 to cradle a baby. 
On Thursday morning, the lovebirds nearly broke the internet as they posted photos of the supermodel, 27, cradling her stomach as they renewed their vows in Hawaii. 
周四早上,这对情侣在夏威夷跟新婚礼誓言时,捧着这位 27 岁超模腹部的照片,这几乎炸裂了互联网。


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