backfire 啥意思?是 fire 回来了嘛?

知识 早安英文 第2916期 2024-06-05 创建 播放:11888

介绍: 笔记:consecutive adj. 连续的
英文释义是 following one after another in a series, without interruption,表示不断的,连续的。
It has been number one in market share for 9 consecutive years, and cups sold are enough to circle the earth 40 times. 


介绍: 笔记:consecutive adj. 连续的
英文释义是 following one after another in a series, without interruption,表示不断的,连续的。
It has been number one in market share for 9 consecutive years, and cups sold are enough to circle the earth 40 times. 


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