
知识 英语口语每日养成 @葫芦语言 第1258期 2021-08-26 创建 播放:6214

介绍: 【句子】Oh, hi. I didn’t know that the cooking lesson was gonna be a group activity. Well, the more the merrier, right? 【Desperate Housewives S01E22】
【发音】/əʊ/ /haɪ/ /aɪ/ /ˈdɪd.ənt/ /nəʊ/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /ˈkʊk.ɪŋ/ /ˈles.ən/ /wəz/ /ˈgə.nə/ /ˈgɑː.nə/ /biː/ /ə/ /gruːp/ /ækˈtɪv.ɪ.ti/ /wel/ /ðə/ /mɔː(r)/ /ðə/ /'...

介绍: 【句子】Oh, hi. I didn’t know that the cooking lesson was gonna be a group activity. Well, the more the merrier, right? 【Desperate Housewives S01E22】
【发音】/əʊ/ /haɪ/ /aɪ/ /ˈdɪd.ənt/ /nəʊ/ /ðæt/ /ðə/ /ˈkʊk.ɪŋ/ /ˈles.ən/ /wəz/ /ˈgə.nə/ /ˈgɑː.nə/ /biː/ /ə/ /gruːp/ /ækˈtɪv.ɪ.ti/ /wel/ /ðə/ /mɔː(r)/ /ðə/ /'merɪə(r)/ /raɪt/
【发音技巧】didn’t know不完全爆破;that the不完全爆破;group activity连读+闪音;
今天我们来学习一个很有意思的短语:the more the merrier。
大家都知道Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
所以merry本身就有happy and cheerful这样的意思。
下面我们来一起看看这个短语the more the merrier的含义:
It is used to say that you are happy for other people to join you in what you are doing.

eg: -- Do you mind if I bring Tony?
-- No, of course not. The more the merrier

eg: Of course you can have a ride with us! The more the merrier.

eg: -- Can I bring my friends to the party?
-- Of course, the more the merrier!
-- 我能把我的朋友带去派对上吗?
-- 当然可以了,人越多越热闹嘛!

eg: -- The manager hired a new employee even though there's not enough work for all of us now.
-- Oh, well, the more the merrier.
-- 那位经理雇用了一个新员工,尽管现在我们的工作都还没有饱和。
-- 好吧,人越多越热闹嘛。

eg: Bring as many friends as you like to the party. The more the merrier.

Oh sure, you can come to the mall with us—the more the merrier!

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