单主根据微博@海空跃 倾情推荐的歌单进行了整理,能在网易搜到的都归入了此歌单中。
Whatever will be will be —— 小野丽莎
You Negativity —— Lady Gaga
Do somthing —— B...
单主根据微博@海空跃 倾情推荐的歌单进行了整理,能在网易搜到的都归入了此歌单中。
Whatever will be will be —— 小野丽莎
You Negativity —— Lady Gaga
Do somthing —— Britney Spears
Invisible wings —— Olivia Ong
You & Me ——Olivia Ong
My Love —— The Cranberrirs
Never Had A Dream Come True —— S Club 7
Falling out —— DJ MAYUMI
Ever lasting one love —— Ever lasting songs
Say that I loved you —— 倪安东
The touch —— Maria Carey
Wild wild web —— M1yak3y collect
Back to December —— Taylor Swift
Better than revenge —— Taylor Swift
Mine —— Taylor Swift
Speak now —— Taylor Swift
Cold as you —— Taylor Swift
Love story —— Taylor Swift
Forever and always —— Taylor Swift
You belong with me —— Taylor Swift
I know you were trouble —— Taylor Swift
Blank space —— Taylor Swift
Shake it off —— Taylor Swift
Out of the woods —— Taylor Swift
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