As we celebrate War Thunder’s anniversary, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every player — both newcomers and long-time veterans. Now, we’re only getting started, with many exciting updates and features still to come. To mark this milestone, we’re thrilled to release a new cinematic trailer showcasing the War Thunder universe. Plus, by clicking the link, players can earn unique anniversary decals just for playing the game. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey! Executive Producer: Ivan Kuznetsov Cinematic Producer: Andrei Artamokhin Production by Puppetworks Animation Studio 正值战争雷霆的 12 周年庆典,我们向全体玩家 —— 不论是初来乍到的新玩家还是久经沙场的战场老兵们送上最诚挚的感谢。我们的旅程才刚刚开始,未来还有许多令人兴奋的新内容等待着大家。为了庆祝战争雷霆抵达又一座里程碑,我们制作了一段全新的微电影宣传片展示战争雷霆的游戏宇宙。别忘了点击链接并游玩游戏以领取独特的周年庆祝贴花!感谢您与我们一路走来,希望未来也能与您并肩前进! 作词/曲: Jimmie Asche 演唱: Rachel Farango 录音: Luke Nagy 录音导演: Hugh Edwards 演奏: Baltic Symphony Orchestra 乐团指挥: Valentin Bogdanov 总监: Evgeny Schegolev 交响乐录制与混音: Georgiy Zheryakov 鼓点: Zakk Hemma 由 Pavel Stebakov 监制,混音及灌录
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