Eberl: Complete Piano Sonatas

歌手:Luca Quintavalle


发行公司: Brilliant Classics


Anton Eberl was born in Vienna June 13, 1765 and was one of the most renowned piano virtuosos and composers of his time, standing comparison with Haydn, Mozart,...

Anton Eberl was born in Vienna June 13, 1765 and was one of the most renowned piano virtuosos and composers of his time, standing comparison with Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Eberl was even "one of Beethoven’s most dangerous rivals” (as Anton Schindler wrote) and in April 1805 Eberl’s Symphony Op.33 was played at the concert in which Beethoven’s “Eroica” was heard for the first time and public and critics preferred Eberl’s one. Eberl’s seven Piano Sonatas differ strongly from Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven and show a more romantic idiom. His compositions have some common stylistic elements coming from the Mannheim School, the note-repetitions of the melody and his trade-mark crossing of hands. The instrument heard on this new recording is a copy of a Walter piano of 1805, build by Paul McNulty. Pianist and harpsichordist Luca Quintavalle made already a highly successful recording for Brilliant Classics with keyboard music by De Bury and Barrière: “Recording of the Month” (Musicweb), 5-star review in Early Music, “This is the most impressive harpsichord recording I’ve heard in years” (Klassik.com).


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