Wings Greatest

歌手:Paul McCartney & Wings


发行公司: Paul McCartney Catalog


International edition of this collection originally released in 1978 (domestic version is long out-of-print) after London Town gave McCartney another huge hit,...

International edition of this collection originally released in 1978 (domestic version is long out-of-print) after London Town gave McCartney another huge hit, Wings Greatest rounds up McCartney's greatest hits from 1971 to 1978 which means it skips 'Maybe I'm Amazed' but touches on Ram. The main strength of this collection is that it contains many hits that never appeared on any album, and these are among McCartney's very best solo singles, the eccentric domesticity of 'Another Day', 'Junior's Farm', the Bond anthem 'Live and Let Die', the pile driving 'Hi Hi Hi', and 'Mull of Kintyre', a Scottish-styled folk ballad that was his biggest hit in England. And yes, it's fair to peg these as McCartney successes, since some of them were billed as McCartney, not Wings, and as such, this record is a great overview of McCartney's first decade of solo recording, containing many of his very best solo tunes. EMI.




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