
歌手:Lisa Shaw


发行公司: Naked Music


Lisa Shaw is the recognizable voice on a lot of the Naked Music releases and has collaborated with numerous producers on that record label. If you're a regular ...

Lisa Shaw is the recognizable voice on a lot of the Naked Music releases and has collaborated with numerous producers on that record label. If you're a regular club goer, you may have even heard her voice on a few songs while out on the dance floor. Finally this "house diva" has gone solo, as I knew she eventually would, and her release is as sweet as the fruit it's penned after. Shaw's vocals are still smooth as usual with some very quiet-storm-on-the-border-funk grooves added for good measure. Don't expect a house-music fest on "Cherry", though--The music here is indeed as one reviewer stated, for grown-ups. Unfortunately, there's nothing here that hasn't been heard before, and sometimes the songs do sound a little uninspired and blase. Without a doubt--and I'm sure other fans of hers will agree--Lisa really shines when she's crooning over a funky house track. Perhaps this release would've been a little more amazing if she would have had a track or two (or three or four) 



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