8 Impromptus For Felted Piano

歌手:Rui Ribeiro


发行公司: Blim Records


"8 Impromptus For Felted Piano" is the sixth solo album by composer and pianist Rui Ribeiro. Recorded in 2022 while conceptualizing future albums, this work eme...

"8 Impromptus For Felted Piano" is the sixth solo album by composer and pianist Rui Ribeiro. Recorded in 2022 while conceptualizing future albums, this work emerged from spontaneous improvisations captured on his home piano. Preserved in a folder titled "to release or not to release?" during a year of indecision, this album, narrowly escaping nonexistence, encapsulates an introspective representation of the solitude the composer experienced during a specific period of his life. Simultaneously, it bridges the temporal gap between the preceding and the upcoming album scheduled for 2024. In its introspective and minimalist tone, characteristic of his previous albums, "8 Impromptus For Felted Piano" is an invitation to simplicity and authenticity—an unpretentious musical experience unfolding the pure essence of the composer's improvisations.



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