邀请老友台南欧力桑共同制作,勾勒出台湾女儿的轮廓;像台湾佳肴的调味,融合著酸甜苦辣,融合成人生滋味; 像在和煦暖阳中迎来微风,在自己的路上踏著步伐一直走。
From Tainan to Taiwan, from Taiwan to the world...
邀请老友台南欧力桑共同制作,勾勒出台湾女儿的轮廓;像台湾佳肴的调味,融合著酸甜苦辣,融合成人生滋味; 像在和煦暖阳中迎来微风,在自己的路上踏著步伐一直走。
From Tainan to Taiwan, from Taiwan to the world, this is how Siri Lee envisions the look of a Taiwan gal. Collaborating with her old friend, Uncle Tainan, they paint the portrait of a girl from Taiwan. Just like the flavors of Taiwanese cuisine, blending the sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy, all merges into the essence of life; as if welcoming a gentle breeze under the warm sun and continuously be on one’s own way.
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