MA. ADE 005 Compilation

歌手:Various Artists


发行公司: Mango Alley


A new decade dawns and an unprecedented challenge for the underground dance fraternity awaits. Unable to serve as the meeting place for like minds and kindred s...

A new decade dawns and an unprecedented challenge for the underground dance fraternity awaits. Unable to serve as the meeting place for like minds and kindred spirits, ADE succumbs to a global pandemic of dislocation, separation and border closures; history rewritten in a fleeting moment of time, forever etched in hearts and minds the world over.

A spirit unbroken rises from Mango Alley and its fifth ADE compilation. A musical thread drifts across the continents uniting artists and fans in a triumphant stand against an invisible threat. Nineteen tracks stand as a glowing beacon to mark a unique event where friends are 'united in isolation', joined by the common bond of music. Hope springs eternal in 2021 when the world of music can once again come together in an Amsterdam festival of family and friendship.


  • 音乐开放平台
  • 云村交易所
  • Amped Studio
  • X StudioAI歌手
  • 用户认证
  • 音乐交易平台
  • 云推歌
  • 赞赏

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