Living with the Living

歌手:Ted Leo and the Pharmacists



For their fifth full-length release (and first with Touch and Go Records), Ted Leo and the Pharmacists met up with Brendan Canty (Fugazi) to iron out a new set ...

For their fifth full-length release (and first with Touch and Go Records), Ted Leo and the Pharmacists met up with Brendan Canty (Fugazi) to iron out a new set of anthems that arrive with a confident and outspoken immediacy. With Living with the Living, Ted & Co. wipe clean the slate that once held names like Weller, Strummer and Bragg and indulge some of their farthest-reaching musical ambitions. "Army Bound" and "La Costa Brava" evoke the melodic spirit of Andy Partridge, Ray Davies and ArgyBargy-era Squeeze, while "Colleen" is Ted's most successful meditation on pop music yet. "A Bottle of Buckie" clinks pint glasses with The Pogues and captures Ted conjuring up the rhythms of his Irish ancestry. And stretching his boundaries further still, songs like "The Toro and the Toreador", "The Lost Brigade" and "The Unwanted Things" find Ted taking his falsetto in new directions, with vocals that caress each composition with the greatest delicacy and grace. Along with the punk sound and energy found in Ted Leo and the Pharmacists' previous works, Living with the Living finds soul, funk and R&B injected into the trajectory of Chris Wilson's dexterous percussion, Dave Lerner's bedrock bass and an onslaught of combustibles from Ted's possessed fingertips.



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