Minecraft - Volume Alpha

游戏《我的世界》原声带 第1卷



发行公司: C418


这可能就是你来到这个网站的原因!《我的世界》是历史上最受欢迎的电子游戏之一,《Minecraft - Volume Alpha》是该游戏的首张官方配乐专辑。评论家们喜欢将我的专辑风格与埃里克·萨蒂、罗德里厄斯和布莱恩·埃诺进行比较。Aphex Twin也说过我偷了他的风格。


这可能就是你来到这个网站的原因!《我的世界》是历史上最受欢迎的电子游戏之一,《Minecraft - Volume Alpha》是该游戏的首张官方配乐专辑。评论家们喜欢将我的专辑风格与埃里克·萨蒂、罗德里厄斯和布莱恩·埃诺进行比较。Aphex Twin也说过我偷了他的风格。


《Minecraft - Volume Alpha》于2011年发布,这是我发布的第一个商业专辑,幸运的是它也是最成功的,开启了我作为独立作曲家和游戏开发者的职业生涯。我有很多事情要感谢《我的世界》,而且还会有更多的事情可以感谢它。


《Subwoofer Lullaby》是一首我这样命名的歌,因为我总是想象在森林中某个遥远的地方,有一个大喇叭在吹奏这段奇怪的小旋律。

《Living Mice》,或者反过来说是“deadmau5”,哈。Joel在制作这张专辑时确实帮了我一点忙,所以有这个参考价值。

《Moog City》是有趣的曲目。穆格公司实际上就此事与我联系,告诉我他们有多喜欢它。我很高兴他们没有发现,我其实不是用他们的设备做的。我创作这首歌是因为我订购了一个Moog,但我尚未收到。


《Oxygène》和《Équinoxe》自然是指Jean-Michel Jarre。

《Mice on Venus》或“Mouse on Mars”——MOM(德国电子音乐团队)肯定是我的灵感来源,这张专辑也直接启发了我。这是一对极具实验性的德国音乐人组合,在90年代末和21世纪初一直非常活跃,我对他们的作品着迷。这首歌一开始是钢琴独奏,但随着游戏的发展,我增加了一种,嗯,附录。有点厚颜无耻地说,Minecraft也很傻。



《Sweden》是迄今为止最受欢迎的歌曲,我认为这是因为它的和弦进展非常简约,你可以非常容易地共鸣。它也是基于 《Minecraft》这首歌所建立的原则。缓慢建立,慢慢消失。



《Dropy Likes Riochet》和《Dropy Likes your Face》都是《life changing moments seem minor in pictures》中的歌曲。这是一首我没有为任何特别的东西创作的歌曲,但第一首Droopy歌曲最后出现在第一个官方《我的世界》预告片中。我得到很多关于Droopy说什么的问题。公平地说,我也不知道。这是一个样本库,如果你买了Kontakt,就会收到。据我所知,它是一个在80或90年代可以买到的玩具,它会随机地自言自语。

This is probably why you’ve come to this website! Minecraft is one of the most popular video games in recent history, and Volume Alpha is the first official soundtrack to the game. Critics like to compare the style of my album to Erik Satie, Roedelius, and Brian Eno. Aphex Twin also once said I stole his style.

Minimalism was and is definitely key when it comes to the soundtrack. Although Minecraft in and of itself is a very frantic and wild experience, I wanted to give the game a contrast by essentially giving the player a pentatonic chill pill. Some fans actually like to listen to this album while they go to sleep, which is just as well another interesting use for it.

Volume Alpha has been released in 2011 and was the first commercial release I’ve ever published, and luckily also the most successful, kickstarting my career as an independent composer and game dev. There is a lot that I have to thank Minecraft for, and there will be much more that I can thank it for.

“key” is the song that sort of introduces you to the album, whereas “door” is a little bit of a small medley that welcomes you to the world of Minecraft.

“Subwoofer Lullaby” is a song I named that way because I always imagine a big speaker somewhere far far in a forest blasting this odd little melody.

“Living Mice,” or the opposite would be deadmau5, hah. Joel did help me a bit with making this album, so there’s that reference.

“Moog City” is a fun track. Moog actually contacted me on it, telling me how much they liked it. I’m glad they never found out I actually didn’t make it with a Moog device. I kinda created this song because I ordered a Moog, but I didn’t have it yet.

“Minecraft” is by far the most minimalist song and also the first song I created for the game. It’s purely pentatonic in scale, builds up very slowly, and then slowly fades away. This is kind of what I built the entire soundtrack around on.

“Oxygène” and “Équinoxe” are naturally references to Jean Michel Jarre.

“Mice on Venus”, or Mouse on Mars. MOM is a definite inspiration for me, and this album directly. It’s a highly experimental German musician duo that has been super active in the late 90’s and early 2000’s and I obsessed over their work. The song started as a piano solo, but as game development went on, I added a kind of, uh, addendum to it. A little cheeky piece that kind of says, Minecraft is also quite silly.

“Thirteen” is a creepy little record you can find in Minecraft. I always wanted the player to find it somewhere deep within a cave, because it’s being played by a device, creating a creepy atmosphere. But it turns out it’s just a creepy song being played. We never actually did that in the game though.

“Excuse” was originally intended to be a song for Minecraft’s hell world, the “Nether”. However when I started creating this album, I wanted it to be more than just carbon copies of what’s in the game. I wanted to give people more. So I ultimately decided that “Excuse” would be one of several exclusive songs only to be found on this record.

“Sweden” is by far the most popular song, and I think it’s because of it’s very minimalistic chord progression that you can follow very easily. It is also based on the principle the song “Minecraft” is built on. Slow buildup, slowly fading away.

“Cat” is a whimsical little track. People seem to like it a lot! I don’t know why!

“Beginning” because the end is always just the beginning. And with Minecraft, now we do know that this is not the last album and there is more to discover. That’s why I named it that.

“Droopy Likes Ricochet” and “Droopy Likes your Face” are both songs from “life changing moments seem minor in pictures”. It’s a song I haven’t created for anything in particular, but the first Droopy song ended up in the first official Minecraft game trailer. I get a lot of questions on what Droopy says. To be fair, I don’t know. It’s a sample library that you receive if you buy Kontakt. As far as I know, it’s a toy you could buy in the 80’s or 90’s which says random phrases about itself.




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