Sadness Is Taking Over

歌手:Flora Cash


发行公司: Icons Creating Evil Art


“Sadness Is Taking Over” is a bitingly bittersweet track that taps into the malaise setting in across the world today.

Whilst Scandinavian duo Flora Cash might...

“Sadness Is Taking Over” is a bitingly bittersweet track that taps into the malaise setting in across the world today.

Whilst Scandinavian duo Flora Cash might not have intended to do so, their crystalline guitar and spine-tingling melodies give voice to that feeling of emptiness that’s recently become all-too-familiar. “Sadness Is Taking Over” narrates the tale of a relationship that’s not working, leaving you as the listener looking on, helpless.

“With “Sadness Is Taking Over” we were attempting to express inner thoughts and inner feelings in a way that feels less like dialogue between two people and more like eavesdropping on the private voices of their psyches,” the pair explain. “There’s a real coherency between the two individuals but also some kind of fundamental disconnect which really strikes at the heart of the message; “‘And it’s like nothing ever happened,’ don’t you tell me.”

“We have two people whose interpretations of the issues that led them to the present hardship are very much at odds. They’re essentially talking past each other. Neither is really hearing the other and yet both are aware that something precious is being lost.”



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