Fairest Floo'er

歌手:Karine Polwart


发行公司: Hegri


Karine Polwart's third solo album Fairest Floo'er is a stark and intimate affair, which marks an understated return to traditional Scots song for the award-winn...

Karine Polwart's third solo album Fairest Floo'er is a stark and intimate affair, which marks an understated return to traditional Scots song for the award-winning singer-songwriter. This is where her musical career began almost a decade ago, as a member of folk groups Malinky and, subsequently, Battlefield Band. The pared-down arrangements of traditional ballads and love songs on this album feature little else other than sparse piano or guitar accompaniment, with the odd daub of atmospheric colour. Instead, the intense performances showcase Karine's warm and earthy vocals and assured storytelling. As a contrast, the bonus preview track "Can't Weld a Body" at the end of the CD serves as an appetizer for a forthcoming album of Polwart original compositions called This Earthly Spell - due out in the Spring of 2008.



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