Bach: Concertos for Piano and Orchestra Nos. 1-5 & 7 (The Glenn Gould Edition)


歌手:Glenn Gould / Vladimir Golschmann / Columbia Symphony Orchestra / Leonard Bernstein


发行公司: 索尼音乐


Glenn Gould was this century's greatest Bach player, so these legendary recordings are self-recommending. While other fine pianists have made powerful statement...

Glenn Gould was this century's greatest Bach player, so these legendary recordings are self-recommending. While other fine pianists have made powerful statements in this music, no one sounds anything like Gould. His phenomenal clarity of articulation, digital control, and well, just plain interesting way with the music set him completely apart from the competition. With playing of this individuality and quality, it's pointless to engage in any debate with respect to the appropriateness of the piano versus the harpsichord. Scholars and pedants may continue to argue, but the fact is, it doesn't matter. Great musicianship always serves great music best.


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