The Ballads Of Ricky Nelson

歌手:Ricky Nelson



When talking about the history of Rock 'N' Roll, Rick 'Ricky' Nelson tends to get overlooked. While he didn't create the genre, brought the new style of music t...

When talking about the history of Rock 'N' Roll, Rick 'Ricky' Nelson tends to get overlooked. While he didn't create the genre, brought the new style of music to the masses when his character began performing it on the Ozzie & Harriet show in the late '50s. He became a teen idol and recorded some of the finest music of the era including 'Poor Little Fool', 'Lonesome Town', 'I'm Walking', 'It's Late', 'Travelin' Man', 'Hello Mary Lou' and more. In the '60s, he dropped the 'y' and became Rick and scored more hits. His final hit, the self-penned 'Garden Party', was one of the biggest hits of his career and, once again, he helped to introduce the vibrant and young Country Rock movement to the masses. 25 tracks. EMI Gold.



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