Sink into the bottom
Walking off the edge
See into my mind
But I can not see an end there’s
No joy
No joy
Fear is just a word
This is something real
Sink into the bottom
Walking off the edge
See into my mind
But I can not see an end there’s
No joy
No joy
Fear is just a word
This is something real
Manifesting nightmares
Powered by the thrill
My pulse is growing
Faster by the minute
I’ve been living in this room
And it’s closing while I’m in it
Don’t go
oh oh oh
You better not get
oh oh oh
x3 takes
Sink into the bottom
Walking off the edge
See into my mind
But I can not see an end there’s
No joy
No joy
What’s going on in my brain
There’s something wrong in my head
Feels like I’m going insane
I think I’m better off dead
Shink up my spine I’m
Rollin back the timelines
Silouetted highlights
Death is in the headlines
Metalic taste in
My mouth disapates
But the confines of my mind
Keeps ration at bay
The stereo hiss of
Everything that I miss
Keeps taking hold of this moment
How can they exist
I see robots in suits
I see lies over truth
I can’t think straight
I’m losing myself what’s the use
Sink into the bottom
Walking off the edge
See into my mind
But I can not see an end there’s
No joy
No joy
What’s going on in my brain
There’s something wrong in my head
Feels like I’m going insane
I think I’m better off dead
How beautiful the night can be
I’m living in a memory
Losing all my
Sanity sanity sanity
Feels like I’m going insane
One to Zero (Garten of Banban)
Night Terrors (Poppy Playtime)
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